About LDA of Virginia

Who We Are

As parents, educators and professionals we are all committed to providing for and supporting the educational needs of the children and their families. Our goal is to create the opportunity for all impacted families to find the support they need. The goal of LDA of Virginia is complete when everyone is included and we are here to assist. How can we help you?

LDA of Virginia’s Mission

The goal of the Learning Disabilities Association of Virginia is to provide support to individuals with learning disabilities and their families. We work the families and education professionals in the community to aid in providing the necessary assistance to individuals affected by learning disabilities in achieving their educational goals.

  1. We communicate with our constituency through an extensive process of email, social media and newsletters.
  2. We support our community by sponsoring social groups for individuals with LD and parents of children with LD, mentoring for teachers of students with LD, providing one-on-one support via our helpline, and sharing up-to-date professional resource lists of local service providers.
  3. We educate our community by producing and coordinating programs and events such as workshops, an annual conference, and member social event.

Your membership supports our efforts to provide services at little to no cost to our entire community. Other membership benefits include reduced costs at events, the option to advertise on our website and our newsletter, and the option to submit articles for publication in our newsletter.

What LDA Does To Accomplish Its Mission

  • Promote Prevention: We believe that the number of individuals affected by learning disabilities can be reduced with an effective, comprehensive prevention plan. We encourage research that seeks to identify the causes of learning disabilities and disseminate research findings which could lead to the reduction of the incidence of learning disabilities.
  • Foster Research in Best Practices: We encourage ongoing research efforts into recognition, assessment and intervention strategies throughout the lifespan. We monitor and disseminate these research findings.
  • Encourage Identification: Too many people go through life unidentified. We advocate for early identification, which increases the possibility of successful intervention. We will continue to advocate for access to identification throughout the lifespan.
  • Support Intervention: We strongly support best practice interventions for individuals with learning disabilities throughout the lifespan.
  • Protect Rights: We are committed to advocating for and protecting the rights of all individuals with learning disabilities. This includes legislative advocacy for laws to improve and preserve the rights of all individuals as well as individual advocacy.